We Can Manage Your Security
The greatest security does not come about overnight. It is the result of many years’ development. SpanSet can look back over 50 years of experience and success. After all, we developed the first car safety belt for Volvo back in the 60's – which today is an indispensable security feature for every car.
We have consistently followed up these security concepts. Nowadays, SpanSet has become the number one for quality and our products are in use around the world. Our customers include companies and organisations who set the highest demands in security, such as automobile and aircraft manufacturers, the chemical, steel and paper industry, energy suppliers, freight companies, fire services, Department of Defence and NATO.
Progress Needs Pacesetters – Such as SpanSet
In addition, SpanSet is an international pacesetter in development: for decades. Each year, we put forward patents and new developments in load security, lifting technology and personal protective equipment.
This is how we can maximise your security, wherever it’s needed: with our load security products you will effectively avert risks and accidents and comprehensively meet legal requirements. With the use of SpanSet quality products, you can be assured that you’ll be doing the utmost for your transport safety.
Only 100% Quality Is Good Enough For Us
How can we actually be sure that our products keep their promises? It’s quite simple: we are obsessed with quality.
From material selection to quality testing, from accurate calculations to intelligent use – we provide 100% performance for each phase. We employ technical and legal experts so that only absolutely reliable and practical load security products reach your hands. We develop new products together with universities, end users, military and other institutions.
Our quality management continually tests materials and end products. They are checked continuously in our own laboratory and in external testing programmes. We test the maximum load, strength and durability. For many years we have also been audited by renowned institutions, including NATA, SAI Global and Vetab who regularly certify our products, services and quality management.
Quality does not stop with our straps
Our care for your security extends well beyond the manufacture of reliable lashing straps, net systems and shoring materials. This is why we make sure through our comprehensive service and consultancy that you also have the necessary information to select the right load security equipment. Of course, when it comes to tests, repairs and maintenance work, we’ll also be by your side.
As Your Partner, We Have The Same Aims
Our customers are our partners, and we share their aims: more security for individuals and cargo. Within this partnership, we will do everything to support you in your day-to-day endeavours.
SpanSet offers you real partnership
As experts in load security, we actively seek interaction with you and other experienced experts so we can advance together. Through training, seminars and practical product development we can help you to implement load security quickly and easily in everyday life. Tests and proving ground trials with independent institutions also give you an informative edge over others.
You can also contact our technicians and specialists directly if you need a particular design. We manufacture and modify our load security products on request to meet any special requirements you may have.
This partnership helps us both: you prevent accidents, their consequences and subsequent costs. You prevent damage to public and private property, protect resources and people. This will save you expensive fines, court procedures and time-wasting conflicts. You will win the trust of your customers by delivering completely undamaged cargo on time. This also means you will improve your image in the long term compared to your competitors.