Press release

Guidelines and standards and how to teach them

Professional driver qualification: workshop for lecturers


On November 12, 2019, and January 21, 2020, SpanSet will offer an advanced training seminar for instructors of the BKF advanced training at the Übach-Palenberg site. In addition to technical information about load securing, didactic aspects are also on the agenda.


Further training for professional drivers in road haulage has been firmly regulated since 2006 in accordance with the Professional Driver Qualification Act (BKrFQG): Continuous training is intended to improve and standardize the qualifications of all professional drivers. The instructors for BKF further training must also provide evidence of at least three further training courses within a period of four years


Starting in November, SpanSet will offer one-day workshops that comply with this regulation. The instructors will learn the necessary content for the knowledge area 1.4 of the syllabus for the further training truck according to the BKrFQG: ability to ensure the safety of the load.

The instructors are trained, collaborate on the topics of the workshop and can share their experiences with other instructors. The aim of the workshop is to arouse more interest in learning among professional drivers through a convincing seminar design. The instructors not only teach the drivers about current laws, standards, guidelines, calculation methods and their practical implementation in everyday work. They also link the learning objectives to the individual experiences and needs of the participants, and actively involve them in the process. The seminar is not only suitable for instructors of the BKF qualification as further training, but of course also for any other instructor or teacher of load securing.


A special highlight: As a manufacturer with its own R&D department, SpanSet allows seminar participants up-close insights into the production processes and the test laboratory. Here, participants learn more about the products they use in daily practice. Manufacturing, quality testing and product differences are vividly demonstrated. The participants thus quickly and memorably acquire new insights and helpful background knowledge.


Details and registration with Ms.Petra Schmitz-Beckers, Email: [email protected].




About SpanSet:

SpanSet, an internationally operating group of companies, is a leading manufacturer in the field of lifting and load securing technology as well as personal protective equipment for height safety. However, the company sees itself not only as a provider of innovative products and services, but also as a know-how mediator. An important component of this is the company's extensive training and continuing education program.