

Providing Support - Anytime, Anywhere

Item Number: 2028255
Auxivo LiftSuit 2.0 Size S/M
  • Reduce workload, muscle fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Relieve the back and hip muscles while lifting as well as working in a forward leaning position.
  • Working in a forward leaning and kneeling position.
  • Lightweight [ < 0.9kg ]
  • Foster a proper lifting posture.
  • Requires personalised advice for its correct application, please contact us.

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Supports your back and hip muscles

Provide a set of external muscles on your back

It functions as a layer of additional muscles on the outside of your body to reduce the load on your own muscles.


Muscle activity reduction

Prevent your muscles from fatiguing



Made from advanced materials

Selection of the most advanced materials to achieve the lightest exoskeletons on the market.

LiftSuit - Wearable Exoskeleton that is worn like clothes!

Versatile support system that provides support for its users' back- and hip muscles anytime and anywhere they need it.

Use in many situations where traditional means, such as cranes or conveyor belts cannot be deployed, e.g. inside airplane holds or buildings.


  • Support for back & hip muscles working in a forward-leaning posture.
  • Reduce workload, muscle fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Relieve the back and hip muscles.
  • Lightweight [ < 0.9kg ] .
  • Foster a proper lifting posture.
  • No movement restrictions use anytime, anywhere.

What kind of work is supported?

The LiftSuit was developed for all applications in which workers frequently lift objects or work in a forward-leaning position. 

  • Lifting Objects - While lifting from below hip-level, the integrated elastic elements store energy when users bend forward, and releases the energy when she/he starts lifting the object.
    User gets additional energy that can relieve the back and hip muscles. Additionally, the elastic elements foster a proper lifting posture.
    The LiftSuit does not only support normal lifting, it also supports lifting and handling objects while working on the knees.
  • Forward-Leaning Posture - Working for hours in a forward-leaning posture even without any additional weight can strain your back muscles as they carry your upper body weight.
  • Anytime - Anywhere - Use in confined spaces, moving vehicles, standing and kneeling  without movement restrictions.

How it Works​

LiftSuit acts like a set of additional, external muscles to unload the back and hip muscles while lifting as well as working in a forward leaning position.

Integrated, specially developed textile springs store energy which is then used to support the user.

Easy-to-use, small and lightweight support system that users can wear without being constrained. Users can activate, deactivate and adjust the support manually on demand.


LiftSuit significantly reduces the load on the back and hip muscles when lifting objects or remaining in a forward-leaning posture.

60º leaning while kneeling

  • Upper arm muscle load reduction 33%
  • Back muscle load reduction 34%
  • Hip muscle load reduction 26%
  • Gluteus muscle load reduction 19%

60º leaaning in standing

  • Upper arm muscle load reduction 43%
  • Back muscle load reduction 34%
  • Hip muscle load reduction 28%
  • Gluteus muscle load reduction 10%

Example : The strain on the back and hip muscles is reduced by 25 to 60% when carrying a load of 5 to 20 kilograms.

Product Technical Information

  • Weight Net
    0.9 kg
  • Dimensions L x W x H
    110 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm
  • Packaging Dimensions L x W x H
    25 cm x 50 cm x 10 cm
  • Back Length
    45 - 60 cm
  • Chest circumference
    88 - 120 cm
  • Hip circumference
    75 - 105 cm
  • Thigh circumference
    49 - 67 cm

Product downloads and manuals

User Instruction Manual
(en en_AU en_UK en_US)
LiftSuit Performance Sheet
(en en_US)

(en en_AU en_US)

Item Number Item Name Clothing Size
2028255 Auxivo LiftSuit 2.0 Size S/M S/M
2028256 Auxivo LiftSuit 2.0 Size L/XL L/XL