Xtracta Davit T-Base System

Xtracta Davit T-Base System

Please contact customer service for purchase or more information [email protected]

The T-base assembly provides a versetile range of temporary anchor solutions for difficult environments with the anchor bolt adaptor, clamp adaptor, or a vehicle hitch mount (requires US style box section tow hitch). 

Product downloads and manuals

Technical Drawing - Xtracta600 T Base RH1220
(de de_CH en en_US es fr hu id it nl no pl pt ru tr tw)
Technical Drawing - Xtracta600 Arm RH1220
(de de_CH en es en_US hu fr id nl it pl no ru pt tr tw)
Technical Drawing - Xtracta600 Mast RH1220
(de de_CH en en_US es fr hu id it nl no pl pt ru tr tw)