Meet The Team
Jane Allen - Marketing Consultant

Jane and Boris

SpanSet and the Caving Community - Pete Ward MD, Jane and the prize winners of the UK Caving Competition to win IRATA Rope Access Training here at the Training Centre - Pete Knight (far right) is now part of the SpanSet Team in his role as Training Instructor.

What name/nickname do you prefer to be called?
I prefer Jane, however have heard colleagues talking of copy being 'Janeyfied' - which I hope is a compliment!
If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be?
Translator from techspeak into English! We have some very clever people working at SpanSet with an astonishing depth of knowledge about product design, manufacture and training. The language used to describe what staff at SpanSet produce can get very technical – my role is to provide copy for news articles, web pages etc in a straightforward and understandable way. If I can understand it, then hopefully people reading my copy can do as well.
What do you enjoy about the work you do?
I enjoy working with my colleagues, liaising with people as I glean the information required. It is also really satisfying to see your words published on the website and/or social media and feel they flow well.…and I have learnt so much about Height Safety, Lifting and Load Control subjects!
What are your hobbies?
Horse riding and caving, though not at the same time 😊 I have a horse who I’ve trained using more ‘natural’ methods so can ride him bareback and bitless which is an absolute joy. I’ve been a caver for over 30 years – there are a lot of us about in the Height Safety Industry!
What volunteering or passion projects do you do outside of work?
I own and run, with my Husband Tim, the cavers forum. It’s run on a not for profit basis as a service to cavers and we’re grateful to SpanSet who have supported us for many years now.

Caving images by Mark Burkey Photographer