
Training your staff to work safely

Designed to meet the demands of the modern workplace and the responsibilities these place on your staff.
  • Engaging - bringing people along on the journey with clear,
    imaginative, hands-on teaching.

  • Relatable - bridging the gap between the theory and
    real-life work situations.

  • Partnership -  The training relationship doesn't stop
    at the end of the course.

Going far beyond mere compliance!


Training your staff to work safely

Designed to meet the demands of the modern workplace and the responsibilities these place on your staff.
  • Engaging - bringing people along on the journey with clear, imaginative, hands-on teaching.

  • Relatable - bridging the gap between the theory and real-life work situations.

  • Partnership -  The training relationship doesn't stop at the end of the course.

Going far beyond mere compliance!

SpanSet Training is the premier Work at Height, Lifting and Load Control specialist Training provider in the UK. 

Founded in 1998 on the belief, as a manufacturer, Training is the crucial link between the worker and their equipment – and when things are right the job gets done and workers get to go home safely at the end of their shift.

Height Safety Training

Training and education focused on reducing falls.

    Lifting Training

Technical courses backed by 50 years of Lifting heritage.

Load Control Training

SpanSet offer the most comprehensive Load Restraint Course in the UK

SpanSet Training is the premier Work at Height, Lifting and Load Control specialist Training provider in the UK. 

Founded in 1998 on the belief, as a manufacturer, Training is the crucial link between the worker and their equipment – and when things are right the job gets done and workers get to go home safely at the end of their shift.

Height Safety Training

Training and education focused on reducing falls.

    Lifting Training

Technical courses backed by 50 years of Lifting heritage.

Load Control Training

SpanSet offer the most comprehensive Load Restraint Course in the UK


Why Train with SpanSet?


People are all individuals and learn in a variety of ways – at SpanSet we understand this which is why we support our Professional Instructors with a wide range of Training tools and techniques, in an excellent learning environment. 

  • Effective training that's remembered and understood.
  • Professional instructors chosen for their real life experience.
  • Training venues across the UK with options to run dedicated courses at your site.
  • As a Manufacturer, we fundamentally understand the equipment used in our training.
  • Support, Guidance and Flexibility from course booking through to completion.


‘I always like meeting a worker we have trained when they come back for a refresher course, as that’s proof neither of us wasted our time previously’. 

Pete Ward, MD and founder of SpanSet Training


Why Train with SpanSet?


People are all individuals and learn in a variety of ways – at SpanSet we understand this which is why we support our Professional Instructors with a wide range of Training tools and techniques, in an excellent learning environment. 

  • Effective training that's remembered and understood.
  • Professional instructors chosen for their real life experience.
  • Training venues across the UK with options to run dedicated courses at your site.
  • As a Manufacturer, we fundamentally understand the equipment used in our training.
  • Support, Guidance and Flexibility from course booking through to completion.


‘I always like meeting a worker we have trained when they come back for a refresher course, as that’s proof neither of us wasted our time previously’

Pete Ward, MD and founder of SpanSet Training

Effective training

that's remembered and understood

SpanSet Courses are designed to teach what can be complex subjects in a clear and pragmatic way.

Theory sessions are interactive and engaging. People don't learn by being dictated to.

Comprehensive practical sessions focus on correct techniques and problem solving with ample 'hands on' time.

SpanSet training teaches you how to look after yourself, how to comply with the legislation and make sure you understand why?


'From problem, through theory to practical solution'.

Professional Instructors

chosen for their real life work experience.


SpanSet Instructors are qualified within their field of training. 

All hold a Level 3 Award in both Education and Training (PTLLS) and Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement, are First Aid Trained and hold Health & Safety certification including IOSH Managing Safely and SMSTS.

The Team has real life work experience.

Many are former Telecoms Engineers, IRATA L3 Supervisors or Ex Military and can relate to onsite working conditions and safety issues.


All online courses are live and Instructor led - the gold standard. 

No hiding away or simply running through a powerpoint with SpanSet!

Professional Instructors

chosen for their real life work experience.


SpanSet Instructors are qualified within their field of training. 

All hold a Level 3 Award in both Education and Training (PTLLS) and Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement, are First Aid Trained and hold Health & Safety certification including IOSH Managing Safely and SMSTS.

The Team has real life work experience.

Many are former Telecoms Engineers, IRATA L3 Supervisors or Ex Military and can relate to onsite working conditions and safety issues.


All online courses are live and Instructor led - the gold standard. 

No hiding away or simply running through a powerpoint with SpanSet!

'Remembering what is taught, may well save lives, loads or jobs.'

Training venues across the UK

with options to run dedicated courses at your site.

Sibbald Training,  Blackridge, Scotland

LASC Waltham Forest

LASC Waltham Forest

Purpose built Training Centre at SpanSet HQ in Middlewich, Cheshire.

Training Venues also located at LASC Waltham Forest; Sibbald Training, Blackridge, Scotland and Morsafe, Peterborough.

Dedicated courses at your site. The SpanSet Instructor Team have considerable experience training at customer sites.  Contact us for an assessment of your site’s suitability for training.

SpanSet, Middlewich, Cheshire

This state-of-the-art facility can be used in all weather conditions and simulates real life activities in a safe environment conducive to learning.  Includes extensive training structures, and smartboards in all classrooms.

'Strategically located venues or at your site'

Morsafe, Peterborough
Dedicated courses at your site.

Purpose built Training Centre at SpanSet HQ in Middlewich, Cheshire.

Training Venues also located at LASC Waltham Forest; Sibbald Training, Blackridge, Scotland and Morsafe, Peterborough.

Dedicated courses at your site. The SpanSet Instructor Team have considerable experience training at customer sites.  Contact us for an assessment of your site’s suitability for training.

SpanSet, Middlewich, Cheshire

This state-of-the-art facility can be used in all weather conditions and simulates real life activities in a safe environment conducive to learning.  Includes extensive training structures, and smartboards in all classrooms.

LASC Waltham Forest
Sibbald Training,  Blackridge, Scotland
Morsafe, Peterborough
Dedicated courses at your site.

'Strategically located venues or at your site'

As a Manufacturer, we fundamentally understand the equipment used in our training.


SpanSet is a leading manufacturer of Personal Fall Protection Equipment with many innovations to our name including the iconic Gotcha Rescue Kit – who better to Train you in the correct use of Height Safety & Rescue Equipment? 

Our recently launched Gotcha Trained Rescuer Badge scheme helps workers to spot trained rescuers on site more easily in the event of an emergency!


Lifting – SpanSet invented the modern round sling, commonly known as ‘SpanSet’s on site to this day.  Who better to train you to lift safely?


Load Control/Restraint is not just about using more straps! It’s understanding the importance of friction and how this plays an important role in an effective load control solution.  SpanSet invented the ratchet strap - who better to train you to secure loads safely?

Viper Sling Manufacture

Gotcha Training using Viper Sling


‘If you sell safety critical equipment, you must provide the knowledge for the Trades to use it properly'.’

Support, Guidance and Flexibility

from course booking through to completion.


SpanSet offer a wide range of Specialist Height Safety, Lifting & Load Control courses.  Selecting which theory education and practical training combinations are the right option for different circumstances takes knowledge and experience.  Our Training Team help customers identify which options will best suit their needs.

As well as our specialist courses, complimentary Health & Safety courses (such as First Aid and IOSH) can be conveniently arranged.

Our courses can be tailored to different industries and applications as and when required.

In addition to a variety of practical training structures (simulating real life scenarios), comprehensive training manuals and interactive training aids including smartboards (at Middlewich) are provided (blended learning).


‘To train workers effectively takes care, energy and enthusiasm to get them to buy in. We never forget, what we teach may well save a life, a load, a job’.


'I always want our trainees to enjoy their learning as it has more chance of sinking in and being put into practice. You can tell when a course has been delivered well by the rapport between trainers and trainees at the end of the end of the day. '

Rachael Hazeldine, Training Business Development Manager


Support, Guidance and Flexibility

from course booking through to completion.


SpanSet offer a wide range of Specialist Height Safety, Lifting & Load Control courses.  Selecting which theory education and practical training combinations are the right option for different circumstances takes knowledge and experience.  Our Training Team help customers identify which options will best suit their needs.

As well as our specialist courses, complimentary Health & Safety courses (such as First Aid and IOSH) can be conveniently arranged.

Our courses can be tailored to different industries and applications as and when required.

In addition to a variety of practical training structures (simulating real life scenarios), comprehensive training manuals and interactive training aids including smartboards (at Middlewich) are provided (blended learning).



'I always want our trainees to enjoy their learning as it has more chance of sinking in and being put into practice. You can tell when a course has been delivered well by the rapport between trainers and trainees at the end of the end of the day. '

Rachael Hazeldine, Training Business Development Manager


‘To train workers effectively takes care, energy and enthusiasm to get them to buy in. We never forget, what we teach may well save a life, a load, a job’.

Quality and Standards


SpanSet UK training and training management system is audited by the BSI to the requirements of BS 8437 and ISO 9001.


Our Work at Height training courses are designed and delivered under the scope of BS 8437:2006 Code of practice for the delivery of training and education for work at height and rescue.  Indeed, we were the first Height Safety Training Company to be audited by the BSI to the Standard BS8454:2006 and had input into the design and development of the standard. 


Where required, SpanSet Training is externally audited by various trade associations and bodies including: IRATA, WAHSA, (The Work at Height Safety Association). MATS - EUSR and (The Mast And Towers Safety group).


SpanSet staff hold positions on various committees and groups pertinent to work at height and rescue including:

  • BSI PH5 standards committee Personal Fall Protection.
  • CEN/TC 160 – Committee for standards development, protection against falls from height.
  • WAHSA Work at Height Safety Association, Technical and Training Committee.

Quality and Standards


SpanSet UK training and training management system is audited by the BSI to the requirements of BS 8437 and ISO 9001.


Our Work at Height training courses are designed and delivered under the scope of BS 8437:2006 Code of practice for the delivery of training and education for work at height and rescue.  Indeed, we were the first Height Safety Training Company to be audited by the BSI to the Standard BS8454:2006 and had input into the design and development of the standard. 


Where required, SpanSet Training is externally audited by various trade associations and bodies including: IRATA, WAHSA, (The Work at Height Safety Association). MATS - EUSR and (The Mast And Towers Safety group).


SpanSet staff hold positions on various committees and groups pertinent to work at height and rescue including:

  • BSI PH5 standards committee Personal Fall Protection.
  • CEN/TC 160 – Committee for standards development, protection against falls from height.
  • WAHSA Work at Height Safety Association, Technical and Training Committee.

Book your Training with SpanSet.  

Safety - it's what we do

Avoid skills fade - a recognised problem in the work force. ‘A skill rarely used may be completely forgotten’.  Refresher training is the most effective way to keep those skills sharp. 

Avoid bad habits – ‘A skill often used can lead to bad habits’.  During training courses, we often come across experienced delegates using equipment incorrectly potentially endangering themselves or fellow work colleagues. This can often be a case of picking up bad habits or not having had the appropriate training to begin with. 


Height Safety Training


    Lifting Training


Load Control Training



Call our Team for advice.

Have a question for our Team or need help booking your course?  Please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Call now on 01606 738529 or complete our enquiry form and we'll get back to you.