Saverline SRL Web with Plastic Housing

Saverline SRL Web with Plastic Housing

Lightweight devices with durable webbing lifelines

  • Lightweight, impact resistant housing
  • The swivel suspension point prevents the webbing from twisting
  • Fitted with a auto-locking karabiner for secure anchorage
  • Ideal for applications where weight and size are critical
  • Energy absorption due to new braking system

The Saverline fall arresters with robust plastic housing and webbing are approved for vertical and horizontal use. The Ø 16 mm cast aluminium swivel suspension point prevents the webbing from twisting and the lifeline is supplied with a triple action swivel carabiner with fall indicator. The 25 mm wide webbing incorporated in the retractable type fall arrester has been drop tested over the edge and has passed the additional test requirements of VG11 CNB/P/11.060 for EN360

Product downloads and manuals

Saverline Brochure
(de de_CH en fr)
Instruction manual
(de de_CH en en_US es fr hu it nl no pl pt)

Technical Drawings