SupraPlus Roundsling, WLL 0.5t, olive

SupraPlus Roundsling, WLL 0.5t, olive

Compact, robust and durable

  • Slim and compact
  • Very high cut and wear resistance due to special ribbed profile
  • Robust, tear-resistant label protected by a transparent protective tube
  • Superior load capacity indication woven into the sleeve
  • Includes integrated loop to allow for easy retrofitting of an RFID transponder
  • Optimal wear protection due to reinforced fabric with interwoven textile filament
Please contact customer service for purchase or more information

Penguat serat tekstil

Masa pakai lebih lama

Filamen tekstil yang ditenun pada selongsong luar memberikan perlindungan yang andal terhadap robekan, mengurangi kusut, dan mencegah pecah lebih lanjut.


Penampang yang ringkas

Ringkas berkat proses produksi yang ditingkatkan

Berkat pencocokan khusus pada selongsong dan inti, Roundsling ini sangat ringkas. Keuntungan yang paling penting: Roundsling yang Ringkas tidak dikompresi dalam small crane hooks dan pembentukan lipatan dapat dihindari – kerutan akan menurunkan kekuatan dan oleh karena itu dilarang.


RFID opsional

Tali pengikat untuk retrofit

Semua perlengkapan SpanSet dapat dilengkapi dengan transponder RFID untuk manajemen aset dengan IDXpert.


Label selongsong pelindung

dilindungi secara optimal, diperkuat dengan tepi tenunan yg dianyam

Selain desain tahan sobek dengan lapisan kain, selongsong plastik kokoh melindungi tulisan dengan sempurna dari abrasi dan kotoran. Sisipan Webbing, yang dilengkapi sebagai standar, juga memperpanjang masa pakai.


Woven load capacity indicator

Mudah dibaca meskipun kotor

Kecepatan sering kali menjadi hal yang penting dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari. Untuk memastikan Anda selalu menggunakan Round Sling yang tepat, indikator kapasitas beban terpasang erat pada selongsong dan dapat dibaca bahkan saat sling sangat kotor.


Struktur beralur yang unik

Versatile and reliable

Whether it‘s a straight pull, single lift or choke: The very compact SupraPlus round sling adapts to the load with virtually no creasing. The round sling is particular slim and finds sufficient contact area even in smaller crane hooks, without being compressed. This helps to effectively prevent any unwanted loss of load capacity. Universally applicable in all sectors of industry, SupraPlus meets the highest standards in terms of safety and quality worldwide.

With reinforced fabric and textile filament

The ribbed structure woven into the outer sleeve makes SupraPlus even more resistant to wear. The ribs are made of a high-performance polyester that is markedly more cut- and wear-resistant than conventional synthetic fibres. The textile filament woven into the sleeve offers additional wear protection. Additional safety that also has economical benefits. On request, the SupraPlus can also be fitted with an RFID chip for cloud based asset management with IDXpert. An attachment loop firmly sewn onto the round sling allows for easy and quick attachment of the IDXpert RFID tag.

Additional protection

Protective sleeves such as the single-sided SF-1 and the double-sided SF-2 or SpanSet NoCut are the ideal addition. They not only effectively protect the round sling from damage, but also facilitate the turning and rotating of sharp-edged loads and generally offer protection against sharp edges.

Technical Drawings