H-Base Davit System

H-Base Davit System

Portable solution for the entry, rescue and positioning of personnel in confined spaces

  • Portable lower base with adjustable feet to fit most standard confined spaces.
  • Davit arm and mast allows the operator to pivot the system for easier and safer rescue.
  • Durable and versatile, the system has a capacity of 164kg (Safety Factor of 10:1)
  • Meets or exceeds AS/NZS 5532, CSA, ANSI, OSHA, CSST and CE Standards


The portable lower base with adjustable feet to fit most standard confined spaces. It offers a solution for the entry, rescue and positioning of personnel.
The combination of davit arm and mast allows the operator to pivot the system for easier and safer rescue. Durable and versatile, the system has a capacity of 164kg and has a safety factor of 10:1 and meets or exceeds AS/NZS 5532, CSA, ANSI, OSHA, CSST and CE Standards.

Main Components

  1. Davit arm 610mm (24") XTIN2210
    Equipped with brackets for self-retracting lifeline and winch to ease access to confined spaces. To be used with mast XTIN2003 and an appropriate base or with the self-supporting integrated mast barricade XTIN2108 or XTIN2324. Extendable from 381mm to 610mm. Equipped with a 22 kN anchor point.
    • Material: aluminum
    • Dimensions: L 1436-1896mm x W 148mm x H 286mm
    • Weight: 15kg
  2. Mast XTIN2003
    To be used with davit arm XTIN2210 and a suitable adapter.
    • Material: aluminum
    • Dimensions: Ø 76mm x H 1145mm
    • Weight: 10 kg
  3. Mobile "H" base XTIN2118
    To be used with mast XTIN2003 and davit arm XTIN2210.
    • Material: aluminum
    • Dimensions: L 1092-1689mm) x W 1473mm x H 463-558mm
    • Weight: 43 kg


Product downloads and manuals

H-Base Davit System Instruction
(en en_US)
Technical Drawing - H-Base
(de de_CH en en_US es fr hu id it nl no pl pt ru tr tw)