Customer’s Site Inspection Service
On Demand Service – when equipment is fixed in place, uneconomical to move or the site is restricted.
This Pay as You Go (PAYG) Equipment Inspection Service is designed for businesses and individuals needing key items of equipment independently inspected, tested, compliant and back available to use on site as quickly as possible. Ideal when it is more convenient for our Inspection Team to travel to your site whilst fulfilling all inspection and record keeping requirements.
On-Site Inspection - On Demand Service
Single Site Inspections
Site inspection of installed systems, assets located at a single site or that can be moved to one site for inspection.
Our inspection team regularly visit customer sites and will accommodate urgent inspections whenever possible.
Provided everything passes, your equipment will be ready to use with a new thorough examination certificate.
Multiple Site Inspections
Site inspection of installed systems or assets located at multiple sites that can’t be moved due to frequency of use, size & weight or site restrictions.
Our experienced service team will visit your site to inspect your equipment and providing everything passes, your equipment will be ready to use with a new thorough examination certificate.
You may wish to collate mobile equipment at a single site. Please contact us for further information.
On Site Inspection On Demand Service - how it works:
For help and support call us on 01606 734279 or email
What happens if the equipment fails the inspection?
Consumable items (e.g. harness or lanyard)
As it is not economically viable to repair consumable items, following a failed inspection or once beyond the manufacturer’s specified product lifespan, we shall quote for supply of a replacement.
Serviceable items (e.g. rescue kit or fall arrest block)
Due to the capital cost of these items, it is more economical to service and repair within limits of the manufacturer’s guidance and product lifespan. Beyond the product lifespan we’ll quote for replacement.
Future inspections - do you send out automatic reminders when they are due?
Yes. 1 month prior to your thorough examination certificate lapsing an email reminder and quotation for an inspection/service will be sent.
I currently use the PAYG service, could I upgrade to a contract in the future?
Yes, of course. Records of any items previously inspected by SpanSet remain in our asset management system. Please contact us for details on discounts available for upgrading to a managed contract.