Safety Harness and Introduction to Work at Height Training for Police Officers
No previous experience required.
- To provide a foundation for Officers involved in work at height using Personal Fall Protection Equipment.
- A basic understanding of the requirements to assess systems of work and equipment to operate at height safely.
- A good understanding of the principles of using PFPE and awareness of BS8437:2005 Code of Practice.
- This module is a theory based course intended as a prerequisite to practical training.
Examples of:
- Full Body Harness
- Lanyards (Restraint / Work Positioning / Fall Arrest)
- Retractable Fall Arresters / Inertia Reels
- Guided Fall Arresters
- Connectors
- Anchorages
- Damaged / Post Fall Equipment
- Understanding the legislation surrounding work at height.
- Understand the categories for safe work at height and the potential loads imposed on the equipment used.
- Work Restraint
- Work Position
- Fall Arrest
- Understand equipment standards and how they relate to users demands and their expectations.
- Understand the importance of pre-use checks.
- Carry out pre-use inspection and checks.
- Understand the importance of mandatory inspection and record keeping.
- Understand the importance of rescue provision when working at height.
- Have an awareness of the planning and selection of methods of work at height.
- Have an understanding of the guidance given in the HSE notice regarding using harnesses in MEWPS
- Plan and select the correct equipment for a given task.
- Awareness of the hazards related to work at height.
Each Officer will be able to
- Fit and adjust a full body harness
- Identify the different styles of work at height PPE
- Identify damage on equipment
Additional Information
Further information on our training facilities, first aid provision, insurance etc are available upon request.