Harness Suspension Relief Straps

Harness Suspension Relief Straps

Footloop helps to relieve discomfort of a conscious casualty while suspended post fall waiting for rescue

Item Number: 2017338
Harness Suspension Relief Straps
  • Retro fit to any SpanSet harness.
  • Lightweight.
  • Easy to use hook and loop design.
  • Fast deployment, no waiting for a rescuer.
  • Zipped storage pouch prevents entanglement while working.
  • Several loop positions allow adjustment to suit the workers height.

Harness Suspension Relief Straps

Individually fitted to each harness this footloop helps to relieve discomfort of a conscious casualty while suspended post fall waiting for rescue.
  • Designed to be retro fitted to any harness.
  • Work as a pair deploying from each pouch to be joined in the centre under the workers feet.
  • Help to relieve the pressure applied by the leg loops of the harness to the worker while suspended after a fall.
  • Pushing down on the loop of webbing created under the workers feet bodyweight can be transferred providing comfort while waiting to be rescued.

Product Technical Information

  • Packaging Unit (PU)
  • Packaging Unit (PU) Content

Product downloads and manuals

Harness Suspension Relief Straps Instruction Sheet
(en en_US)