Using a Harness but Still Falling and Dying? It's Possible!

Working at heights is a high-risk activity. Even a small mistake can result in injury or death to the worker or those nearby. You can control the risk of falling by preparing proper Fall Protection Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as a full body harness, lanyard, anchor point, and fall arrest system.


REMEMBER! Using fall protection PPE does not mean you cannot fall. In the event of an accident, you can still fall but won't hit the ground directly, reducing the risk of injury. When using fall protection PPE and an accident occurs, you will be suspended - you will likely be unable to help yourself. In this position, you only have 15-20 minutes (golden moment) to be rescued; beyond this period, you may die or become disabled due to suspension trauma.

That's why the main rules (golden rules) for working at heights are:

  1. Always be accompanied by a coworker (never work alone).
  2. Prepare dedicated rescue equipment (Rescue Kit) that is not used for other purposes.

Using a Harness but Still Falling and Dying? It's Possible!

Working at heights is a high-risk activity. Even a small mistake can result in injury or death to the worker or those nearby. You can control the risk of falling by preparing proper Fall Protection Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as a full body harness, lanyard, anchor point, and fall arrest system.


Each job and work location has different risks, making it essential to conduct a risk assessment before starting work to determine effective work methods and rescue plans for the situation. The Gotcha CRD is one variant of the Gotcha Rescue Kit. Besides being used for rescue, the Gotcha CRD can also be used to escape from high buildings in dangerous situations. Features of the Gotcha CRD include:

  1. Rescue method where the rescuer does not need to descend to reach the victim.
  2. Equipped with a reach-stick that can extend up to 5 meters to reach the victim.
  3. Features that make it easier to transfer the victim's weight from the lanyard to the pulley.
  4. Pre-assembled, ready to use without error. In panic situations, we often forget how to assemble or assemble incorrectly, resulting in the loss of the golden moment, and the rescuer can become a victim.
  5. In escape mode, when the first user descends and reaches the ground safely, the next user can immediately use the hook without needing to retrieve it from the first user.
  6. In rescue mode where the rescuer approaches the victim, the Gotcha CRD can be used for two people simultaneously.
  7. Available in effective lengths up to 200 meters as needed.
  8. Can be used on various structures and areas.

You can control the risks when working at heights with the right competence, knowledge, methods, and equipment. It is not enough to only use Fall Protection PPE, but you also need to prepare a rescue plan. IMMEDIATELY review your existing Working at Heights SOP to ensure it includes a RESCUE PLAN SOP.


IMMEDIATELY review your existing Working at Heights SOP to ensure it includes a RESCUE PLAN SOP. SpanSet offers solutions by providing consultation and training and supplying both Fall Protection PPE and rescue equipment.

* Working & Rescuing at Heights are high-risk activities. You must have competence or be under the supervision of a Work at Height/Rescue at Height Competent Person to perform them. If you have any doubts about the safety & security of working at heights in your work environment, contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp for consultation with SpanSet Indonesia.

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