What Does IWRC Wire Rope Mean? Read Here for an Explanation!

For some, terms like galvanized, IWRC, and others are familiar when buying wire rope or steel wire. However, have you ever seen descriptions like IWRC, HC, or FC? For users in the maritime, fishing, mining, construction, or telecommunications industries, these terms are common knowledge. But do you know what IWRC, HC, or FC actually mean?

IWRC stands for Independent Wire Rope Core, which refers to the innermost core of the wire rope itself. The core acts as the foundation for the wire rope's structure, similar to the foundation of a house. Before diving deeper into this topic, please watch the following video:

Characteristics of IWRC Wire Rope

After understanding what IWRC is, you might be curious about its characteristics. Here are some key points to note:

  • Higher Breaking Load & Less Likely to Break: Since the core is made of steel, the breaking load is very high, making it difficult to break compared to the other two types, FC (Fiber Core, made of fiber) and HC (Henep Core, made of natural fibers).
  • More Resistant to Pressure: IWRC wire rope is very resistant to pressure because the hard nature of steel makes it difficult to compress, even with heavy objects.
  • Higher Price: The cost can be relatively high. Steel-core wire ropes are generally more expensive than the other two types mentioned earlier.
  • Easier to Rust: One drawback of IWRC wire rope is its susceptibility to rust if not properly maintained, especially with exposure to rain or heat. You know how iron behaves under these conditions.

Applications of Wire Rope

After learning about the characteristics of IWRC wire rope, you might wonder where it is typically used. Here are some industries where wire rope is commonly applied:

  • Maritime Industry: In this industry, wire rope is used as a component of cranes to lift heavy loads. Additionally, it can be used for towing, dredging, or mooring to secure ships.
  • Construction Industry: Unlike maritime, wire rope in construction can be seen in bridges, tower cranes, elevators, piling, and also in the trawl or net pulling process.
  • Mining Industry: In mining, wire rope is usually used for shovels and clamshells or grabs.

Other industries that commonly use wire rope include the oil and gas industry, telecommunications for stabilizing towers or antennas, and gondola applications.

SpanSet IWRC Wire Rope Products

What about SpanSet products? Currently, through our marketplace on Tokopedia and Shopee, we offer two types that you can choose from:

38mm 6x19 IWRC Ungalv. Wire Rope:

  • Breaking Load / MBF: 753 kN
  • Weight: 6 kg/meter
  • Right-hand lay / RHOL / Z Lay
  • Diameter: 38mm
  • Construction: 6x19
  • Core: Steel / IWRC
  • Grade: 1570 N/mm²
  • Ungalvanized
  • MBF: 753 kN
  • Weight: 6 kg/m

* Guaranteed genuine products.
* Manufactured to API Spec 9A standards.
* Supplied with a copy of the Mill Certificate and ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) Certificate.

3/4 inch 8x19 IWRC Ungalv. Wire Rope:


  • Diameter: 3/4 inch (19mm)
  • Construction: 8x19
  • Core: Steel / IWRC
  • Right-hand lay / RHOL / Z Lay
  • Grade: EIPS (1960 N/mm²)
  • Ungalvanized
  • MBF: 262 kN
  • Weight: 1.6 kg/m

* Guaranteed genuine products.
* Manufactured to API Spec 9A standards.
* Supplied with a copy of the Mill Certificate.

For further consultation about SpanSet Indonesia products and services, please contact us via email at [email protected] or WhatsApp 

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To find specification detail and prices of SpanSet Indonesia Products, please visit SpanSet Indonesia Marketplace on Tokopedia and Shopee.

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