Single Dynamic Self-Retracting Lanyard

Single Dynamic Self-Retracting Lanyard

Innovative Hybrid Lanyard Technology reducing clearance heights for workers

  • Can be used in exactly the same way as an EN355 energy absorbing lanyard
  • Retracting lanyard leg significantly reduces fall distance
  • Improves clearance high by 50% when compared with a traditional EN355 energy absorbing lanyard
  • Max-Span: Lanyard configuration ensures maximum possible traversing span
  • Independently tested for use with a below foot level anchor point
  • Notified body approval for user weight up to 140kg
  • Compact and unobtrusive shock absorber design allows freedom of movement Reduced length while stowed prevents entanglement
Please contact customer service for purchase or more information

Dynamic Self Retracting Lanyard

Reduces fall distance & reduces tangles/trip hazards

Achieve the lowest stopping height for places with little space for fall arrest.


Integrated ring

Lanyard leg can be clipped back to the shock absorbing pack

Keep the lanyard tucked away without obstructing the fall absorber.


Anchored at or below floor level

Maximum lanyard working applications

Safe application even below foor level, allows the user to secure himself at height without compromising his safety.


Published clearance height data

For 80kg, 100kg, 120kg and 140kg workers

Knowing the clearance height allows the user to know the required fall distance for maximum safety.

This is an innovative solution combining the benefits of energy absorbing lanyards and self-retracting lifelines. Two small self-retracting lifeline units are combined with an energy absorbing pack to create a “double legged” lanyard. This device is CE certified to EN360 and the dynamic requirements of EN355. The Double Self-Retracting Lanyard is used as the connecting element between your full body harness and anchor point.

What can it be used for?

The Double Self-retracting Lanyard has been designed and tested to absorb the forces of a fall; this means that it is intended to be used as part of a Fall Arrest System for climbing and accessing unprotected structures. The energy absorbing unit allows attachment to low level anchors up to 2m below you. Double legged lanyard construction allows you to move safely between anchor points and around structures. By including self-retracting units the lanyards will also react as you fall to help limit any free fall distance before the energy absorber activates.

Product downloads and manuals

DSL2 Brochure
(en en_US)
DSL2 Instruction Manual
(de de_CH en en_US es fr it no pl)
Safe Clearance Heigths - DSL3
DSL2 Twin Guide
(en en_US)
Application Guide and Technical Data Sheet
(en en_AU en_US es)