Gotcha Evac II Kit

Gotcha Evac II Kit

The Industry Standard Evacuation Kit

  • Up to 20m descent height
  • User weight up to 100kg
  • Friction descender requires user input, regular practice recommended
  • Hazard avoidance possible on descent

Nomor Seri Individu

Pelabelan yang jelas dan sesuai standar dengan kode jejak-telusur.


Siap digunakan

Kit yang sudah dirakit sebelumnya

Tidak diperlukan perakitan, penting dalam situasi yang dapat menimbulkan stres.

Providing safe evacuation from workers on mobile plafroms, Very Narrow Aisle trucks in warehouses, etc.


Evacuation direction = The Gotcha Evac II allows the evacuee to descend to a point of safety with manual control of the break allowing the worker to negotiate obstructions.

Pre-assembled = No assembly is required by the user.

Lone Evacuation = The kit is designed for a worker to be able to evacuate themselves in an emergency.

One person use = The Gotcha Evac II is rated for loads up to one person use (100kg)

Maximum Working Length = The Gotcha Evac II kit is a 20 metre descent rescue kit