Gotcha Evac II Kit

Gotcha Evac II Kit

The Industry Standard Evacuation Kit

  • Up to 20m descent height
  • User weight up to 100kg
  • Friction descender requires user input, regular practice recommended
  • Hazard avoidance possible on descent

Individual Serial Number

Clear and standard-compliant labelling with traceability code


Ready to use

Pre-assembled kit

No assembly required, essential in what can be a stressful situation.

Providing safe evacuation from workers on mobile plafroms, Very Narrow Aisle trucks in warehouses, etc.


Evacuation direction = The Gotcha Evac II allows the evacuee to descend to a point of safety with manual control of the break allowing the worker to negotiate obstructions.

Pre-assembled = No assembly is required by the user.

Lone Evacuation = The kit is designed for a worker to be able to evacuate themselves in an emergency.

One person use = The Gotcha Evac II is rated for loads up to one person use (100kg)

Maximum Working Length = The Gotcha Evac II kit is a 20 metre descent rescue kit